The next shoot took place at a nudist beach that is already familiar to the members of X-Nudism portal. The girl who agreed to take part in it is called Sonya. This beautiful blonde with gorgeous curvy body attracted the attention of all sunbathing nudists - some of them even moved a little closer to her during the shoot. Sonya was really enjoying all this attention - she was changing poses on and on, every time showing off more and more seductively. She wasn’t ashamed of her nudity - in fact, she admitted that it wasn’t the first time she sunbathed at a nudist beach. Judging by the things she said, having dozens of strangers staring at her nude body was turning her on immensely. As a result, we got a new stunning nude beach photo set and Sonya got loads of sexual pleasure in addition to a nice roll of cash.

Passers-by couldn’t stop looking at them even when we were still on our way to the beach! Can you imagine what happened to the sunbathers when our cuties got stripped in front of them? The girls were fully aware of the fact that all the attention was now turned to them - and they did their best to use it! There was a beach ball in our ride so the girls decided to play some nude volleyball. Hope you understand what stunning poses they were taking during the game… Is it worth mentioning that most of the men on the beach had to turn over and keep on watching lying on their bellies… :)